What do Lutherans believe, teach, and confess?

Matt Whitman, a seminary / Bible College trained Protestant and host of the video-podcast “The Ten Minute Bible Hour” interviews LCMS Pastor Will Weedon in a three-part video series (links below). In Part 1 Pastor Weedon takes Matt on a descriptive tour of a Lutheran Church and Sanctuary. In Parts 2 & 3 Matt interviews Pastor Weedon on what Lutherans believe, teach, and confess and takes up the question of the Lutheran Church being the true Catholic Church. Pastor Weedon does an excellent job of teaching the Lutheran faith and confession with simple, clear, biblical informed and accurate answers and with a great amount of energy, joy, and not a little humor. The three videos serve as a fine introduction to the Lutheran faith and confession, and even long-time Lutherans will likely learn something.

Part 1 (The Tour)

Part 2 (Interview Part One)

Part 3 (Interview Part Two)
